
红字的读书报告 英文

  1. 答:英文读书报告例文:
    I read the book written by luxun .it is called zhaohuaxishi. it includes 10 short articles about thewriters stories .they are based on his own experience , when i read this book i feel very happy to seeluxuns childhood. it was diffrent from ours,so we may find it intersting and exciting.
    luxuns langange is very great but maybe difficult to understand . but through his words ,we canfind his happiness in his heart .
问:英文读书报告 急
  1. 答:这四本小说是我这个陪凳学期写过论文的,在语言风格上都比较简易,好读又经典,写书评或者论文的话,可选角度也比较多的。
    Bram Stoker的 Dracula。 是吸血股故事的始祖。。 很好看,文字也不难。有电影版的,不过与原著有些出入。
    Murder on the Orient Express, 犯罪迅乱枝小说女王 Agatha Christie名作。如果你不去看剧透,坚持读完小说的话,结局很精彩···有同名电影
    Jerzy Kosinski的Being There, 很短很精彩的一本黑色幽默小说,同名的电影也十分精彩亩敏,获奖无数。
    W. Somerset Maugham 的 The Painted Veil,关于爱情,背叛与死亡。“小说《面纱》以其对人类欲望,恐惧和道德等内在世界的准确建构,而成为一部艺术的杰作。” 电影《面纱》:好莱坞视角诠释上世纪20年代的中国。。
  1. 答:Title:The Catcher in the Rye(麦田里的守望者)
    Number of Page:220
    Content:The protahonist,Holden Caulfield,told the experiences and feelings of himself wondering around the New York City,trying to escape from the hypocritical and pretentious world of adults and find teh purity and truth after being dismissed from school.
    Moral Value:The novel reveal and betray a strong distain towards the sham and false and the desire of finding the real,the true and beauty of nature in the adults' world.The classical and typical image of the protagonist has influenced seveal generations of teenagers in the United Sates.
