

  1. 答:建议你先参考一下和你的摘要类似的摘要,看看人家的英文怎么写,然后再参考百度或谷歌翻译,最后自己一句一句的翻译,翻完后你会很有成就感的,加油~~~
  2. 答:从而来理解与思考我国隐私权的保护。
  1. 答:基于此,本文以人文主义理论和建构主义理论为依据,结合初中英语教学实例,从教师,学生,考试制度三个方面分析初中英语教学中学生跨文化意识培养所存在的问题及其成因,并探讨在中学英语教学中培养学生跨文化意识的原则及途径,旨在更加有效的帮助学生培养其跨文化意识,提高学习兴趣,从而提高跨文化交际能力。
    Based on this, based on the theory of humanism and constructivism, combined with junior English teaching examples, this article analyzes the problems and causes of cross-cultural awareness training among junior middle school students in English teaching from the aspects of teachers, students, and examination systems. The principles and approaches for cultivating students' cross-cultural awareness in English teaching in middle schools are designed to help students develop their cross-cultural awareness more effectively and improve their interest in learning so as to improve their petence.
问:就英文翻译:本科论文摘要汉译英 高分求助
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