

  1. 答:全部是翻译机出来的。。。
  1. 答:The article has analyzed the social influence and the harm which China the independent audit occupational ethics flaw phenomenon produces at present, thought its origin mainly for the benefit actuation, audits the market pete not right and the legal regime imperfect and so on.Proposed may through select the public tender method to select the accounting firm, speeds up the audit legal framework construction, consummates the audit mechanism, method change independent audit occupational ethics flaw and so on enhancement audit occupational ethics construction present situations.
  2. 答:[abstract] the article has analyzed the social impact which and the harm the Chinese present independent audit occupational ethics flaw's phenomenon produces, thought that its origin mainly for the benefit actuation, audits the market the petition and the legal regime imperfect and so on. Proposed that may through select the public tender method to select the Accounting firm, speeds up the audit legal framework construction, consummates the audit mechanism, strengthens method change independent audit occupational ethics flaw and so on audit occupational ethics construction present situations.
  1. 答:我也是这个专业的,去年写的论文,记得当时还是找品学论文网的老师帮忙的,很不错,从开题报告到最后的修改定稿, 帮我省了好多事,老师一会让我改任务书,一会让我给他看修改的稿件,品学论文的王老师都不厌其烦的帮我弄好,搞得我都不好意思了。如果想咨询这方面的文章,可以参考下哦。~嘻嘻
