

  1. 答:Abstract: At this stage the local work service providers after years of rapid development has been the basic shape and stable, but in the long term work construction process, due to different periods to financial, technical and market requirements and other factors influence the local work is still work structure, equipment function, and integrated access services capability poor. At this stage the local operators for SDH work there is a mon problem, meet the new requirements form the basis of the work, from the work structures, transmission equipment, integrated work and transmission capacity of three proposed optimization mended so that the work resources into full play the potential to improve the carrying capacity, can save investment, but also to meet new business, new market demands.
  2. 答:可惜我不能帮你 建议你还是找你英文好的朋友 或者换点钱吧
  1. 答:China full name of China pany, is China's biggest munication industry. Short within 10 years, anization has experienced the government of the post office to the enterprise of China , business from the beginning of the postal to today's all-round business development. With three operators and the third generation munication of rapid development, China seize the opportunities and meet the challenges, to develop TianYi 3G ", "has been on the market, the interrelation petitiveness, how much better development, occupied larger market has e an important task. Based on the analysis of present situation of market, munications and development trend, contrast mobile, , make reasonable market strategies and Suggestions are proposed.
  1. 答:自己参考雅虎翻译或微软翻译之类的吧 我本想贴过来的 但是不成功
